Pet Insurance
Health insurance for pets is certainly a worthwhile consideration, giving you peace of mind for that unexpected accident or illness.
When considering which pet insurance plan to sign up for, the best advice we can give your is to do your research and pick a plan that works best for you and your pet. What works best for one person, may not be ideal for everyone.
Some of the main pet insurance companies that we deal with are:
There are also other options available. Feel free to check with your regular insurance company! What we do recommend is that you look into each other companies and what they offer, as there are different levels of cover provided by each company.
Some factors to consider are:
Annual Premium Costs
Excess payable on each claim
Coverage Amount
Maximum payout
some conditions may not be covered
some plans may contribute towards vaccination costs
Limits on certain conditions
some specific conditions may have payout limits that are lower than the annual maximum cover
Whether cover is provided in subsequent years for ongoing conditions
The age at which insurance will first be covered.
Some companies even offer a free trial period of insurance for puppies and kittens.
Feel free to ask our nurses about pet insurance at your next visit.